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The 8 Tips Every New Expat Must Know Upon Arrival

With all the excitement involved when getting ready to become an expat, it is important to keep in mind a few “must know” tips to help with the transition. Making and following a checklist ahead of time can prevent issues during the move and make your arrival a time of celebration and exploration.

The transition to expat status is also a transition from your stateside existence to a different way of being. Understanding how much you will need to live on and other financial considerations is an important aspect to moving abroad.

expat tips


Top 8 Must-Know Tips Every Expat Needs

There are a number of tips that can really make your arrival as an expat much easier and much less stressful (and, yes, there will be some stress!!). Below is a list of the top 8.

1.  Have a Plan

Doing your homework ahead of time can help you select which Central or South American location is the best fit for you. Research online, interact using social media with expat groups, and learn about the culture, geography, etc. of those countries and/or regions that interest you.

Be realistic in terms of how much it will cost you to make your move and maintain the kind of lifestyle you are thinking of.  All budget-related matters should be done before – not after – your arrival.

The number one reason that becoming an expat may fall short of your expectations is if you end up having to face the harsh reality of “too much life left at the end of the money.” While this kind of monetary examination may cause you to put a hold on your plans, it can also provide both the knowledge and incentive to help you reach your paradise in the future.

There is no substitute for actually visiting the place you are thinking of calling home. If possible, make a number of visits to explore various parts of the country. Being there can help you decide whether you want a beach lifestyle, the tranquility of the mountains, a rustic village, a larger city, or something in between.

2.  Explore

Once you arrive, start exploring your new environment. Learning where the locals like to shop, eat, visit, etc. can help you immerse yourself in the daily routine of your expat existence. 

Part of this exploration should involve finding out your options for your utilities (water, heat, electricity, and garbage) as well as amenities such as phone, cable/satellite, and internet service. You will quickly discover that getting these items is a lot different than what you had come to expect in the states.

3.  Experience the Seasons (All of Them)

Hopefully, you did look into the various climates and seasons of your Central or South American destination beforehand. While most countries have two basic seasons (rainy and dry), there are a number of micro-climates that also have unique variations. You may have the opportunity to experience everything from a dry desert climate to a tropical jungle. Be prepared (in terms of clothing, etc.) for all of them. 

While entertaining, these locations are not a true representation of daily life. Once you have fully settled, you’ll have plenty of time to visit and experience these options, if you wish.

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4.  Avoid Tourist Traps

With tourism a major industry in many Latin American countries, it isn’t surprising that any number of “tourist traps” (those areas designed to cater to the casual visitor/vacationer) can be found. Since your purpose in moving is to make this a new home, you should avoid these “tourist-centric” areas, at least initially.

Another area of discovery that should be an important part of your exploration is to learn what is required to establish a local bank account. Banking rules differ from country to country (and things have been made even more difficult with the increased impact of FATCA on foreign accounts), so it is important to learn what is and isn’t available to you. Additionally, it may be necessary to research what options can be utilized to access your funds from the U.S. or Europe while abroad.

5.  Eat Like a Local

There is no better way to quickly immerse yourself in the culture of your new home than to eat like the locals eat. Shop at the local farmers’ markets, choose the specialties from restaurants that the locals go to, and, if you have an interest, learn to prepare those dishes at home.

This is also a great way to begin to learn Spanish (assuming that you do not already speak the language). Food truly is a universal language and, as you learn the names of fruits, vegetables, and dishes, you’ll find that you are also learning to speak with the locals as well.

Becoming part of the culture where your tropical paradise is located is an incredibly important part of the expat adventure. Remember this is not just a vacation, this is the place you have chosen for the next phase of your life.

Your tropical escape will have its ups and downs; not unlike anyplace else. However, when you fully commit yourself to becoming part of your Latin American world, the potential is limitless.

6.  Keep an Open Mind

Keeping your mind open to the possibilities of expat life can expand your viewpoint in ways that could astound you. Perhaps the hardest thing for expats – even those who have been in their chosen location for some time – is being patient with the pace of life. It’s important to remember that the more relaxed approach to things, like appointments and bureaucracy, was one of the things that you found attractive about the idea of relocation.

The trade-off is that you cannot (and should not) expect that things will be done “immediately” or “on time.” To put it another way:  Don’t sweat the small stuff.

It’s also important to remember that your cultural references will be different from the locals around you. You are a guest (even if a permanent one), in their country; be respectful and willing to learn those differences. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

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7.  Tie Up Loose Ends

Just because you’ve made the move, doesn’t mean that you can forget about matters back home. Driver’s licenses, medicines (and related medical issues) are other important aspects that can have a direct effect on your expat plans. 

Get confirmations that everything that you put in place prior to your departure is correct and in order. The last thing an expat needs is to discover that something they thought was resolved now requires additional attention. Keeping the lines of communication open is always an important expat safety net.

8.  One Final Tip

Becoming an expat is an experience like no other. Allowing yourself to truly look forward and to accept that the unknown can be an exciting and wonderful adventure can be the best tip of all. Begin the journey today; go online and read the experiences of others. Tomorrow is but a mouse click away.

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