How to Swing a Machete Like a Local

Stephanie Sykora
There are a lot of options for what your life as an expat in the Latin tropics could look like. Maybe you envision yourself growing fresh fruits and veggies in the back yard of your garden home situated in a gated community full of other expats.
Or maybe your dream involves watching monkeys swing overhead as you lie in a hammock on the porch of your private cabana on a sparsely populated island.
No matter what your setting, you’re eventually going to find yourself in need of some equipment to handle basic tasks around the house.
And whether it’s chopping down an orange tree in your yard or blazing a trail through the jungle in an attempt to find undiscovered Aztec ruins, a good machete is all you need for the job.
Don’t Try to Overcompensate with Fancy Gadgets
When people aren’t familiar with how to live and function in tropical surroundings, they often try to make up for their lack of experience by wielding really complicated or scary-looking contraptions. These might range from a Swiss Army-type gadget with 17 accessories, including a corkscrew and a toothpick, all the way to a large rigid-blade knife with sharp saw-teeth. And those both certainly have their appropriate uses.
But when it comes to Central American adventure and exploration, there’s no better choice than the simple, inexpensive, multi-function machete. Its design allows it to be used for numerous purposes, making it an appropriate substitute for probably a dozen of the knives and saws you have hanging in your garage right now.
Anyone who’s spent some time in the area will tell you how useful these things are. Their long, thin blade allows them to cut easily through brush and undergrowth. They can also be used to swiftly split open a coconut or chop up some wood for a fire pit. Due to their sword-like design, they can also be used as a weapon in the unlikely case of an unexpected encounter with the wrong kind of critter.
Sound pretty tough? You betcha. It should come as no surprise that the word “machete” is a form of the word “macho.”
The locals are certainly well aware of the machete’s value. They never seem to leave home without one. They’re as ubiquitous in Central America as tattoos are among hipsters.
So, since you’re likely going to have to use one at some point or another during your time in Latin America, you’d better know what you’re doing. It’s all in the technique.
Step One: Get a Grip.

Sustainable Harvest International
This first step is by far the most important. If you don’t hold the machete properly your efforts will be less effective. Plus you’re likely to get blisters and tire out sooner. With the wrong grip, you also run the risk of losing a toe or, even worse, a traveling companion.
Start by wrapping your thumb and forefinger (pointer) around opposite sides of the handle and pinching them together tightly, as if you were making the “OK” sign. Then just let your other three fingers wrap loosely around the base of the handle.
The handle should be able to wiggle around in your hand a small amount, so don’t put a death grip on it (a common beginner mistake). If you’re concerned it might slip out of your hand, especially given the heat and humidity throughout much of Central America, you can wear a glove or even attach the handle to your wrist by slipping a lanyard through the hole in the base (Think Wii controller.).
Step Two: Use Proper Form.
Don’t let the machete’s thin, rudimentary construction fool you. It’s a powerful tool when used correctly. This is largely due to the fact that using a machete does not require the strength of your wrist or even your shoulders.
When you swing a machete, you rely on the momentum of your core.
You do this by dropping your shoulder and allowing your core to whip your arm and the machete around for maximum thrust. As your arm comes around, let your elbow lead. Your wrist should hang back until the last second when you’ll give it a flick just before you make contact.
If it helps, pretend you’re trying to skip rocks across a body of water. Then put your whole body into it. Using proper form will save you a lot of wasted energy and also prevent unnecessary strain on your wrist.
Step Three: It’s All About the Angle.
Nothing says “gringo” like a guy trying to hack perpendicularly through a log or fallen tree. If you do that, several things are going to happen. 1.) You’re going to be there all day. 2.) Your machete is going to get stuck, probably a number of times, and 3.) Any locals or seasoned expats nearby will probably start laughing. Hopefully to themselves.
Instead of a perpendicular approach, use at least a 45 degree angle. And adjust your method to whatever it is that you’re cutting. If you’re slashing through vegetation like grasses or vines, use swift strokes with an upward flick. For thicker or woodier stuff, slash downward.
To tackle tougher, thicker tasks (like branches or small trees), cut a V-shaped notch alternating upward and downward strokes. Keep chopping slivers off each side, widening the notch until you get through the entire trunk.
Safety Tips: Because Common Sense Isn’t All that Common
Machete’s can be just as dangerous as they are useful, especially if your inexperience causes you to overlook any important precautions. Here are a few general tips to protect you and your fellow explorers from harm.
Some of these probably go without saying, but we’re going to say them anyway.
Always make sure the area within range of your swing is clear of anything or anybody that could either be injured or damaged by the machete, or that might deflect the blade.
When clearing trails, make sure to cut far enough away from your body that you don’t endanger your own legs and feet.
If you get tired, take a break. Fatigue can lead to accidents and injuries. You can also switch to your weaker arm, but only if you’re reasonably coordinated with it.
Always have a well-stocked first aid kit handy.
So, while machetes may not look like much alongside some of those widely marketed North American knives with all the bells and whistles, in the right hands they can be far more effective and versatile. Pick one up and start practicing. Then when you grab one to start chopping down that orange tree, you’ll look like you’ve been doing it all your life.
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