Lot 13

Photo shot while standing on lot 13

Lot 13

Really big view and super private, this lot has a ton of potential.

The owner is offering a discounted price because the entrance was never finished.   This could provide an opportunity for a new buyer who wants to finish the entrance to  get a deal on one of the best lots in La Paz. * The estimated cost of fixing the entrance is much lower than the discount given (see video for work needed)

There is a large building site, an existing water tank that can be used in the future, and the opportunity to expand the size of the lot and the view if a buyer is interested doing so.

Lot 13 Tour

Check the video here.

No Time to watch the whole video? No problem.

Sections are marked on the video just scrub ahead to see these sections —–>


-Buildable Area






Fresh Water

Water is available on the parcel and water can be issued at any time.

Graded Lot

The lot has been shaped for erosion control, but entrance has not been finished.

Ready to build

Once the entrance is finished the lot is ready to build.

Click images for larger versions

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